Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rep. Duffy's (WI-7) Plan for Health Care Reform

  • Ends ACA and replaces it with a base of provisions in the President's plan.
  • Combats waste, fraud, and abuse in Medicare.
  • Ends the denial of insurance based on pre-existing conditions.
  • Controls cost of care without the arbitrary dropping of consumer's coverage.
  • Adds limits to lawsuits against medical providers.
  • Allows transportability of insurance across state lines.
Sounds good, right? After further looking, Rep. Sean Duffy is sponsoring the Patient Centered Healthcare Savings Act of 2011. Right now it has no co sponsors. On March 29th of this year it was referred to a House Subcommittee of Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions.View the full outline of the bill and read the legislation here.

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