Friday, April 13, 2012

Hilary Rosen: Connecting the Dots

"What's striking about Rosen's latest ideological sniper attack is that she is not some lone-wolf operative on the fringes of Beltway influence. She works with former White House communications director Anita Dunn at the D.C.-based strategic communications consulting firm SKDKnickerbocker. That's the same company that promoted the anti-Palin smear movie "Game Change" and that represented liberal Georgetown law school student activist and manufactured War on Women poster woman Sandra Fluke. Smack dab at the intersection of progressive agitation and Democratic Party campaign-season maneuvering.

White House visitor logs (which nonpartisan watchdogs point out are woefully incomplete) show that "Hilary B. Rosen" or "Hilary Rosen" has visited 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. at least 35 times, including several direct meetings with President Obama (5); White House senior adviser and consigliere Valerie Jarrett; senior adviser David Axelrod; senior adviser turned 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina; and a parade of communications/media team officials in both the West Wing "surrogate booking" office and the East Wing.

Axelrod and Messina, who took to Twitter immediately Thursday night after the social networking site exploded with a conservative mom backlash, scrambled to disassociate themselves from their frequent visitor. POTUS and FLOTUS followed suit. But when you collect and connect the dots, Rosen's role as a surrogate hit-woman for the White House is unmistakable."

First- has anyone seen the movie "Game Change"? We watched it a few weeks ago, and even my non-political husband said "Wow, that makes her look like a total idiot.". It is so obvious that movie was meant as "SOP", playing on people's lack of motivation to actually seek and find the truth. Anyone who has ever heard Sarah Palin speak or read her writings know the portrayal of her in this movie was biased in a GIANT way.

Second, I wonder if they believe that conservatives are going to let this "war on stay at home moms" go just because she apologized ... seriously? I don't believe for one second this woman, or the people behind her is actually sorry for what she said. I believe she's sorry she got called out on it.

Hopefully, America will start paying attention to comments such as these, because it is revealing.

The comment that flamed this firestorm in the first place:
"His wife has actually never worked a day in her life ... She's never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of women in this country are facing in terms of how do we feed our kids? How do we send them to school? And why we worry about their future." - Hilary Rosen

To which Ann Romney responded: "All moms are entitled to choose their path."

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