Thursday, April 19, 2012

What's going on with the NC Democrat Party?

Non- politicos are probably wondering what's going on with the widespread talk about sexual harassment in the NC Democratic Party. If you work eight hours a day, cook once a day, do your dishes and laundry, hearing "sexual harassment" isn't going to make you run to the computer to find out what's going on.

Here's the deal:

N&O reports:
A former staffer accused the state Democratic Party’s executive director of showing him a picture of male genitals, caressing his leg and discussing his sexual exploits, according to new documents obtained by The News & Observer.
The sexual harassment allegations are detailed in a Dec. 8 letter from Adriadn Ortega, a former party staffer, to then-Executive Director Jay Parmley. Ortega claimed he was “fired in retaliation for my complaints of sexual harassment” and asked for a severance equal to his annual pay and health care coverage for a year.
..In the letter, Ortega says Parmley:
• Frequently gave him unwanted shoulder rubs despite verbal objections.
• Pointed to his crotch area and asked how his crotch looked in his pants.
• On July 28, detailed his past sexual activities.
• On July 29, showed Ortega a picture of a penis.
• On Sept. 6, caressed Ortega’s leg as they drove back from a Democratic convention kick-off in Charlotte.
Party Chairman David Parker is still refusing to resign, calling for a party referendum on his chairmanship, a plan that Gov. Bev Perdue called unacceptable.

(Thanks Piedmont Publius!)

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