Thursday, April 12, 2012

SBA List Endorses "The Lesser"

It seems like the endorsements are going to come out of the woodwork, now that it appears Romney has the nomination in the bag. (Even if it isn't, we all know the nation is going to act like it until the convention.) We all, who pay attention, that is, recognize how pivotal the November election is going to be. Now, a message is being sent to those who might not pay as close attention through the message of endorsements. I personally do not put a lot of stock into endorsements, when you consider the left leaning newspaper in my area endorsed a STRONG conservative in the 2010 elections. (If people voted based on endorsements alone, there would have been a LOT of conservative votes lost that year!)

However, the single issue voters are going to be paying a little more attention now, because the Susan B. Anthony List has endorsed Mitt Romney, and has vowed to spend $10-12 Million to defeat President Obama this year. This endorsement says a few things to me. One, it shows the typical politics as usual stance, in that most in this country will go with who they think "will win", whether that person actually reflects their values or not. Lets examine this closer:

As the Christian Post points out-
"... Romney has not always been seen as a Republican who was willing to fight for pro-life causes. In 1994 when Romney ran for the U.S. Senate against the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, he adopted a pro-abortion position with the permission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
However, when he ran for governor of Massachusetts in 2002, he had changed his position to one of opposing abortion in most cases."
 The group initially endorsed Rick Santorum, who discontinued his race this week. It has appeared based on the presentation of the media that it has been a two man race. The SBA list has blatantly disregarded the candidacies of two other individuals, and this makes one ask- why? Politics as usual, of course. Go with who you think will win. It is questionable Gingrich's stance on life, considering he recently said in an interview with Jake Tapper that he did not believe that life began at conception. Meanwhile, if you look at Ron Paul's stance as an OB GYN, he is unashamedly pro life in every sense of the meaning. Not only had he signed the SBA pledge that Romney refused, but last June 3rd  at a Faith and Freedom Coalition conference said- "As an OB [Obstetrician] doctor, let me tell you, life does begin at conception." *

So why would an organization turn their backs against a candidate who done exactly what they asked, for one who refused? Politics. Jane Abraham, chairman of the SBA List Board of Directors said: "It is the responsibility of all pro-life voters to now unite behind Governor Romney. Together we can put a pro-life leader in the White House.". If they were acting upon values, would they not use their influence to get behind a candidate who truly reflected their values? After all, Romney did list a number of reasons why he refused to sign the SBA pledge (which I applaud, I personally do not believe in pledges such as, and agree with Romney's reasoning for NOT signing it).

In the end, one could say Romney stuck to his values, and the Susan B. Anthony list compromised theirs for the sake of doing what they believe needed to be done to get Obama out of the White House. He is, after all, the MOST pro abortion president in our history. Anything is better than a baby being born and left to die because it's mother never intended for it to be born in the first place.


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